In Mainpuri district, 549 gram panchayats are to be elected head. Reservation is to be determined for these only. The government has fixed the number of seats to be reserved class-wise by issuing reservation chart. At the same time, the proposal for reservation is to be prepared by the District Magistrate. For this, Gram Panchayats will be selected in three phases.
These three stages will be adopted in every category. The government has set a total of 115 seats in the reservation chart for the Scheduled Castes. For this, those gram panchayats will be selected in the first phase, which were never reserved for this category in the last five elections. If this rule does not complete the seats according to the reservation chart then the second phase will be run.
In the second phase, those gram panchayats will be selected, in the year 2015 elections were not reserved for the concerned class. Even after this, if the number is not complete, then the seats reserved for the respective class in the year 2015 will also be considered. The same procedure will be adopted for each class. Accordingly, reservation of seats will be determined.
Panchayati Raj department engaged in preparation
The Panchayat Raj Department has started preparations to prepare proposals for reservation allocation. Data of class-wise reserved seats in the last five elections is being compiled separately. The work of preparing reservation allocation proposal will be started as per rules on the order of the District Magistrate.
There are a total of 549 gram panchayats in the district.
- 115 seats are to be reserved for SC (SC).
- 152 seats to be reserved for Other Backward Classes.
- 91 seats are to be reserved for ordinary women.
- 191 seats will be unreserved.
District Panchayat Raj Adhikari (DPRO)
Swamidin said that the government has fixed rules along with the issue of the chart in relation to reservation. The proposal for allocation of reservation will be prepared on the order of the Collector.
By- Utkarsh Tiwari
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